If you are an equestrian, it’s important that you know enough about your tack to make sound choices. Your saddle will likely be the most expensive piece of tack you own. And, it may be one of the most important pieces of tack for your horse as it can directly influence your horse’s wellbeing. 

Your saddle is made up of several parts. In this series, we are going to look at the panels. So flip your saddle over and follow along. 

The panels are the part of the saddle that sits on the horse’s back. They are usually filled with wool, a wool alternative, foam, or air. Historically many other things like horse hair, too!!

So what is the best thing to have in your saddle’s panels? There is no one correct answer cause whatever works for your horse is fine. Let’s look at the pros and cons of each then you will be educated to understand the differences and make the best choices.

Saddle Panels 101, Part 2: Foam Panels

Saddle Panels 101, Part 3: Wool Panels

Saddle Panels 101, Part 4: Air Panels

Saddle Panels 101, Part 5: Swiss & Hybrid Panels